Current exhibitions
LASCIVIA. Psychedelic Eros
Ángel Valdez

Painter Ángel Valdez, who has devised this project under the premise of “dar rienda suelta a la voluptuosidad” (“giving free rein to voluptuousness”), has invited the poet Rossella di Paolo and the visual artist Casandra Tola, with whom he contrasts his creative experience, to participate in the exhibition.

Ángel Valdez considers these large-format paintings to be ‘a riddle, in which we find frozen dissolutions of various visions. The enigma lies in the reversibility of the image, in its oscillating and variable condition. In this confabulation there are a series of flora or fauna sheets, different illustrations of a brief collection of mundane objects and primers with erotic scenes’.

Casandra Tola, guest artist, has created a series of ink drawings that bring us closer to a synthesis of the intimate and a set of clay figurines that refer us to the corporeality of the encounter.

Valdez accompanies the exhibition with a Manual del (la) fisgón (a) (Snooper’s Manual), in which he addresses the viewer and suggests, among other things: ‘To abandon modesty, let yourself be carried away by concupiscence. Enjoy yourself, have fun, smile and, above all, laugh. Desire and humour are a successful formula (…) The exhibition aims to induce a hallucinogenic experience through delirious visions and words. You must allow yourself the ‘trip’. The experience includes listening to Santana’s first LP (1969). The vinyl cover is the one that gave the germinal impulse to the painter to conceive this project. With such musical company you can reach the frenzy. Enjoy it’.

Ángel Valdez (Lima, 1961) studied painting at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in Lima and anthropology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He obtained the scholarships “Proyectos Artísticos” from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) and “Formación para profesionales iberoamericanos del sector cultural” from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. Ángel Valdez is a founding member of the Proyecto A Imagen & Semejanza (AI&S) for the research, production and dissemination of baroque works. He has exhibited in the galleries 80 m2, ICPNA (Lima and Arequipa), Praxis, John Harriman, CC Inca Garcilaso, Instituto Cervantes, Paris, Galerie Etat d’Art, Paris, among others.

Ángel Valdez has obtained the following distinctions: VII International Painting Biennial of Cuenca, Ecuador (2001); X Painting Salon of the Peruvian-North American Cultural Institute (2004); III Painting Competition of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (2011).


Opening: Thursday 30 May, 12 noon

Duration: 30 May to 31 July 2024


Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 8 pm.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 6 pm.


Jr. Ucayali 391, Lima.

Free entry

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Jr. Ucayali 391, Lima, Perú
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Tuesday to Friday
10 am to 8 pm
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10 am to 6 pm
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